This page will be updated regularly
All on campus events [UNF, FSCJ, JU]
are canceled for the rest of the semester
All Campus Ministry events [UNF, FSCJ, JU]
- involving 'in person' activities, are canceled for the rest of the semester.
- Family Night will be a virtual experience.
- Thursday March 26th Family Night will be held virtually at 11:30 am
- Thursday April 2nd Family Night is TBD
- the Student Center, as of Tuesday March 24th is closed for regular activities.
- the Student Center Chapel remain open to students (please be cognizant of the number of people gathered at one time and, closeness)
- Rosary is canceled
- Adoration is canceled
- Women's prayer group will continue virtually through Zoom. Please contact Sister B for details.
- Formation Friday will continue in the student center / virtual (Zoom) Please contact Sister B for details.
- We are working on creative ideas to continue fellowship and support for students in town and who have gone home. If you have any ideas for facilitation of fellowship and the needs of the student community, please talk with Alex and Sister.
- Fr. Blair, Alex and Sister Brittany are with you in this unique life experience, please reach out to them.
All FOCUS events [UNF, FSCJ, JU]
- FOCCUS National has directed the withdrawal of all 'in person' activities
- Bible Studies will continue through digital / virtual means.
- Upper room (see your missionary for details)
- Outreach and Support for students (see your missionary for details)
- Your missionaries are with you in this unique life experience, please reach out to them.
General Information about the Sacraments
& Diocesan Directives
- Eucharistic Celebrations throughout the Diocese have been suspended until further notice.
- Sacrament of Reconciliation:
- Is available by appointment with Fr. Blair or Fr. Jhon (see Alex or Sister if you are unsure as to how to do this)
- Confessions remain available at Basilica of Immaculate Conception (downtown) everyday between 11 am - Noon
- Confessions are available at the Student Center (generally) once a day. Times vary and will be posted to FB.
- Individual parishes have unique responses for being able to make the Sacrament available.
- All large events have been cancelled - Individual parishes will have unique approaches to handling various other events
- Religious Education including RCIA groups are canceled as are Sacramental Preparation meetings / Groups - Individual parishes will have unique approaches to handling further instruction
Daily Mass from the Catholic Center ChapelBishop Estévez and the priests of the Diocese of St. Augustine will be livestreaming daily Masses from the Catholic Center Chapel starting Sunday, March 22 at 10:00 a.m.
Weekly Schedule (until further notice):
or our YouTube Channel Sunday Mass will be streamed on Facebook Live. Bishop Estévez will begin providing a Facebook Live Mass on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. from the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine. |
Various Resources
Blessed 3rd Sunday of Lent! Since mass has been canceled in so many parts of the world due to the coronavirus, the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary (religious community of Sr. Brittany) are livestreaming their private daily masses from their Motherhouse in Miami. So if you are sick or cannot make it to mass, here are the mass times and link if you want to watch it!
This is a great gift! Sundays: 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday: 5:30 p.m. Fridays- CENACLES: 8:00 p.m. Saturdays: 1:30 p.m. Watch here |